Relying on speed, this ability allows you to deal low damage to every opponent on the board at once.
This ability has the potential to be absolutely devastating if used properly. Subsequently, it has the potential to do next to no damage. To master this power one must be patient and strategic as it involves hunting down your target.
Wielding this power gives you the ability to deal a damaging blow to any one opponent - no matter where they are on the board. Be mindful of who you target as their location could affect your decision, so be sure to think your attack through.
Harnessing the power of air gives you the ability to manipulate an opponent’s position. With a lower base damage, the potential of this power relies on an understanding of the board’s capabilities.
Like the lingering sting of a burn, this power allows you to target any opponent on the board with a low powered initial attack that continues to affect your opponent afterwards. Careful to keep an eye on your opponents as their location determines the severity of the burn in the long run.
The power to attract brings about a choice, one that can affect those immediately to your left or right - however far from you they may be. You can target either a single opponent for greater damage or split the damage between two opponents. While your target options are limited with this power, the damage you deal remains consistent throughout the game.
With this power, a bit of thought is helpful in dealing damage to your targets. While damage isn’t dealt right away, placing your traps around the board strategically has the potential to impede your opponents’ movements before dealing damage. Do be careful though, having too many traps on the board isn’t always in your best interest.
Using this power is akin to calling upon the force of a mighty tsunami. Able to cover an entire side of the map with a flood, any opponents unlucky enough to be caught in its wake will pay the price.